In our communities.
For our communities.

Women’s March Ottawa: Launch Event

On Saturday, January 18th 2020 at Ottawa City Hall’s Jean Pigott Place (110 Laurier Avenue W) from 10:00am until 12:30pm Women’s March Ottawa will host their Launch Event. In solidarity with the global marches occurring around the world, Ottawa Women’s March will be hosting a celebration event featuring local Ottawa speakers, poster making and a photo booth. The Ottawa Women’s March will be hitting the streets on Saturday, March 7th 2020 for our own march.

We acknowledge that this event is taking place on the unceded and unsurrendered land of the Algonquin people. We pay respect to the traditional caretakers of the land. As an Ottawa feminist group, we commit to walking the path of reconciliation and challenging any form of colonialism and oppression. 

Women’s March Ottawa is committed to ensuring both the launch and march are inclusive of people with disabilities, both visible and invisible. If you have a specific accessibility request, please email [email protected] we will work to ensure it is fulfilled. Ottawa City Hall and Jean Pigott Hall is wheelchair accessible. More information about accessibility will be added to our website at in the coming days.

Who is Women’s March Ottawa? Women’s March Ottawa is a chapter of Women’s March Global, a national organization with a goal of inspiring, uniting and leading the charge for the advancement of women across the world. We are committed to challenging systematic discrimination and bias in Ottawa and globally while living out feminist values of intersectionality. 

A full schedule of the launch will be available in the coming weeks. There will be refreshments available at the event. In an effort to reduce our environmental footprint, we encourage all participants to bring their own reusable travel mug if they can.

If you are interested in volunteering with Women’s March Ottawa please visit:

If you have any further questions, please contact [email protected]